When seeking the best care for your oral health and smile, knowing your options for treatment can make all the difference. A prosthodontist is a dentist specializing in restoring and rehabilitating oral function, esthetics and comfort by addressing missing or damaged teeth, the underlying bone and TMJ health. Beyond a four-year dental program, prosthodontists attend an additional three years of education, receiving advanced training in procedures like tooth replacement with <a href="benefits-dental-implants-laguna-hills-ca"<dental implants, dentures and bridges, dental crowns, jaw joint disorders and cosmetic services, among a variety of others.
Much like visiting a cardiologist for a heart condition, seeing the right type of specialist for your dental needs is important for ensuring the treatment solutions and outcomes best for you. Prosthodontists like Dr. Antoanela Garbacea of the Center for Prosthodontics & Implant Dentistry of Laguna Hills are experts in restoring teeth to their highest form and replacing teeth with the most advanced techniques in use today. Benefits of visiting a prosthodontist over other professionals, especially for intricate procedures like dental implant placement, include:
Practicing dentistry since 1998, Dr. Garbacea maintains a fierce passion for delivering the highest standard in dental esthetics, function and longevity. She has authored several dental publications, and given over 40 presentations and lectures on various modalities of dentistry within the last five years alone. As an assistant professor in Loma Linda University’s Prosthodontics and Implant Dentistry programs and a Fellow of both the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and American College of Prosthodontics, Dr. Garbacea remains dedicated to improving patient health, advancing the field of dentistry and incorporating proven techniques into customized dental solutions to create beautiful, lasting smiles.
When it comes to restoring and perfecting your smile to its fullest potential, you deserve the undivided attention of a talented, compassionate, highly experienced prosthodontist. Contact the Center for Prosthodontics & Implant Dentistry of Laguna Hills today and speak with our friendly team to reserve your private consultation with Dr. Garbacea.
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