Has your smile been affected by oral health problems or the need for extensive dental treatment? Do you long to attain a healthy, vibrant, smile and the self-confidence to match? Get back to enjoying optimal oral health and overcome smile and confidence struggles with an exciting, life-changing smile makeover from the Center for Prosthodontics & Implant Dentistry of Laguna Hills.
Smile makeover, or full mouth reconstruction, treatment plans are not a simple one-size-fits-all. Through a one-on-one consultation, Dr. Antoanela Garbacea learns more about your personal smile goals, treatment preferences and functional needs, and carefully crafts a plan of action leading right to your desired end result. If dental fear or anxiety have kept you out of the dental chair in the past, consider utilizing our sedation dentistry services. When it comes to getting the care you need, your comfort and satisfaction are our highest priorities.
Wear the bright, natural-looking smile you have always wanted with a life-changing smile makeover from the Center for Prosthodontics & Implant Dentistry of Laguna Hills. Begin your full mouth reconstruction path to better oral health with a private consultation with Dr. Garbacea. Contact our office and reserve your visit today!
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